Online Resources
Collections (16 resources)

Stories Unbound
Exhibition of Narrative Art Shows More than a Century of Native Life on the Plains.

The Divinity of Maize
A pendant more than 1,000 years old immortalizes Mayan maize god Hun Hunahpu.

Hitting the Reset Button On Repatriation
Museums are taking a hard look at what they have on exhibition and in their collections.

Connecting Community and Collections
To better serve communities and connect them virtually with their cultural belongings, NMAI staff created a dedicated space and refined the museum's methods for facilitation.

A Monumental Statement
A massive quilt created for and by survivors of violence makes a monumental statement.

Making Memories with Dolls
An NMAI fellow uses the senses to show how dolls can make and preserve memories.

Following Family Lines
A Hopi pottery maker discovers her grandmother’s pot and inspiration in the NMAI’s Cultural Resources Center.

Ancestral Voices from the Archives
A California Indigenous woman partners with a Smithsonian ethnologist to immortalize her Rumsen people’s stories.

How Shared Stewardship Is Bringing to Light One of the World’s Most Significant Holdings of Mi’kmaw Cultural Items
More than 25 years ago, the Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre in Nova Scotia and the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian began a partnership that continues today.

Home to Mi’kma’ki: More than 500 Mi’kmaw Items in the NMAI Collection are Destined for a New Museum in Nova Scotia
More than 500 Mi’kmaw items in the NMAI collection are destined for a new museum in Nova Scotia.

A Stitch in Time: Ensuring Thousands of Textiles are Conserved in Comfort
NMAI’s Cultural Resources Center takes on a monumental endeavor to extend the life of thousands of textiles and make them feel more at home.

A View into Two Worlds
Images in the Smithsonian archives of Zitkala-Ša show how this accomplished Yankton Sioux writer, violinist, composer and advocate for Indigenous rights and women’s suffrage lived in two very different cultures.

Ties That Bind
A cradleboard reconnects Walter Lamar with his Wichita great-grandmother.

A Retro Look in the Archives Reveals Past Views on Language Derogatory to Native Americans
Although current views may point to “political correctness” for changes in language and terminology, this is not something new.

Honoring the American Flag through Native Art
Emil Her Many Horses (Oglala Lakota), museum curator and historian, highlights objects in the museum's collection that were created to honor the American flag.

Last Look: Echenique Disk Returned to Peru
NMAI returns the “Echenique Disc” to Peru.