Unlocking Silent Histories 1: Maya Youth Flmmakers Talk about Their Lives and Work
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National Museum of the American Indian
Video Title
Unlocking Silent Histories 1: Maya Youth Flmmakers Talk about Their Lives and Work
Unlocking Silent Histories is a nonprofit dedicated to empowering Guatemalan Maya youth to document their stories, languages, cultures, and histories. In this video, youth producers Jose Maria “Chema” Perez Vasquez (Tzu’tijil), Carmen Tzoc Portillo (K’che’), and Carlos Agustin “Tin” Vásquez Mendoza (Tz’utujil), and founding director Donna DeGennaro introduce the young people's films and talk about their experiences. For more information, visit http://www.unlockingsilenthistories.org The youth videos listed below were shown in conjunction with this discussion and are available online at http://unlockingsilenthistories.org/Our-Productions/2015 Lago de la Vida/Lake of Life (2015, 5 min., Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala) directed by Nicolas Sol (Tz’utujil Maya), age 18 Plantas Medicinales/Medicinal Plants (2015, 6 min., Chuaxajil, Guatemala) directed by Franklin Velarmino Tzoc (K’iche’ Maya), age 12 Alcoholismo/Alcoholism (2013, 10 min., Chuaxajil, Guatemala), directed by Emilio Tzoc Portillo (K’iche’ Maya), age 12 Trabajo Infantil/Child Labor (2015, 5 min., San Juan la Laguna, Guatemala), directed by Alberto Cholotio Ixtamer (Tz’utujil Maya), age 17 Desprotegido/Unprotected (2015, 2 min., Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala), directed by Diego Antonio Petzey Quiejú (Tz’utujil Maya), age 25 Respeto/Respect (2014, 5 min., Chuacruz, Guatemala), directed by Ana Maria Churunel (Kaqchikel Maya), age 14 Éxito/What is Success? (2013, 9 min., San Juan la Laguna, Guatemala), directed by Carlos Agustin “Tin” Vásquez Mendoza (Tz’utujil Maya), age 18 Vida sin limitas/Life without Limits (2015, 10 min., San Juan la Laguna), directed by Franklin “Kincho” Cholotio (Tz’utujil Maya), age 19 Mujeres Luchadoras/Fighting Women (2013, 12 min., San Juan la Laguna, Guatemala), directed by Jose Maria “Chema” Perez Vasquez (Tz’utujil Maya), age 18 This program was webcast and recorded in the Rasmuson Theater of the National Museum of the American Indian on September 16, 2016, during the festival Maya Creativity and Cultural Milieu.
Video Duration
35 min 42 sec
YouTube Keywords
Native American Indian Museum Smithsonian "Indigenous Peoples" "Smithsonian Institution" "Smithsonian NMAI" "National Museum of the American Indian"